
About me!


Photo: Julia Duke Photo

Hey you! This is me— Britney — lifelong lover and dweller of Central Oregon. Here's a little snippet of how my love for flowers started:

As a child I scattered seeds along the edge of my family’s weathered country house, with growing anticipation of what was to come. It seemed fantastical that I could simply scatter seeds, and with nothing more than sunshine and their own potential they would grow into living plants. I watered, watched, and watered.

The first to sprout ( and my first loves) were all of the wild souls. Lupine, black-eyed-Susan, California poppies, and wild blue flax—a beautiful bouquet of perennial wildflowers. I was hooked. Each summer for many years those flowers returned, bringing fresh wonder and delight.

Since then, my enchantment with flowers—their variety, their habits, and their properties—has only grown. From delicate paper petals, to tightly bound rose buds, all have charmed me. 

Now with all of my flower passion and delight — I am hopeful to continue sharing that with others. Whether you want me to create some flowers for your wedding, event or your mama needs a pick me up bouquet- contact me!